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Problem with netfix streaming? - Printable Version

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Problem with netfix streaming? - MB - 04-08-2014 09:36 PM

I'm watching Netflix on my computer and it keeps messing up. so the video starts fine but then it moves in slow motion for like 3 seconds. after that the dialogue and video don't match ( the actor's speech doesn't go with their mouths). if i click a different part of the video it is fine for a little but then it does it again.. any help ? thanks

- Laurence I - 04-08-2014 09:37 PM

sounds like the pc cannot keep up

if watching in a browser, start the browser with add ons disabled.
close as many programs as possible.
set the power scheme to Always On to disable any power saving(standby features)

run disk cleanup
make sure you empty all folders named TEMP

- Charlie Tuna - 04-08-2014 09:43 PM

If it's only this one video (any other video works fine) then you need to report it to Netflix.
If it's happening with ALL of your videos then make sure your system is not running a virus scan in the background or any other background application that could eat up your RAM, CPU, network or hard drive resources. Try to close all programs except Netflix. Also you may want to try deleting any Internet temporary files from your browser. ->

- Minister of Truth - 04-08-2014 09:48 PM

In Windows, open Task Manager and look at bottom for CPU usage.

Also in TM Resources tab for more detail.

for TM, rt. click on blank space in task bar at bottom