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Best 5 ideas for new inventions? - Printable Version

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Best 5 ideas for new inventions? - louisa - 04-08-2014 09:37 PM

I need to come up with 5 inventions for homework and I can't think of anything.

It doesn't have to be a physical thing. It can be a phone app or website or service.


- me. - 04-08-2014 09:40 PM

how about.

a bed that makes you fall asleep instantly and makes you wake up at the right time so NO MORE NEED FOR ANNOYING ALARMS MF!!!!!!!!!!!

- Doctor J - 04-08-2014 09:43 PM

1) an app that can do all of your homework for you

2) an app that can replace your teacher(s)

3) an app that can teach you how to get a job and life-long career working at McDonald's

4) an app that can diagnose cancer

5) an app that can cure cancer

Best wishes and good luck with number 3.

- Callie - 04-08-2014 09:51 PM

Headphones that can scan your ears and generate the perfect song for your mood

Books with glow-in-the-dark ink so you can read in the dark

Pencils with lead too strong to break

Pens with unlimited ink

A self-cleaning refrigerator. It would have scanners in it that would do a nightly scanning of all bar codes and would dispose of anything past its expiration.

That's all I got. Good luck! x
