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visit my store please? - Printable Version

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visit my store please? - Amber - 04-08-2014 09:39 PM

Please visit my store, follow my store, and favorite my store! Vintage finds, antiques, and much more! Also let me know what other things you'd like to see on my store!?

- Cati Bledsoe - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

Amber, you seem like a sweet person, but spamming here will not get you the views you want to your store. If you wish to get more views, there are many other ways to do that. I would do research on SEO and look into keywords you can add in your product titles and descriptions. Get some social media pages at twitter and Facebook for your shop. Tell friends and family. Make sure that you use the tags on etsy wisely. Just do your best and the traffic will follow.

- Bhupala - 04-08-2014 09:48 PM

I suggest using Google Search Bot We have ranked our site to primary page with it.