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Photographer Need Website Domain Name Advice!? - Printable Version

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Photographer Need Website Domain Name Advice!? - Leah Rinaldi - 04-08-2014 09:39 PM


I'm a photographer/videographer looking to start my first website. It's been a challenge choosing my domain name because my name and initials are rather common in the creative world, I've found.

Here's a little bit about me:
My initials are LR and my slogan is LR PHOTOGRAPHY: PASSION FROM LEFT TO RIGHT
So, as for a domain name I chose

I wanted something more like, LRPhotography, or, but of course, they were taken. Even domain names including my first name weren't available..

Basically I'm asking if you think the name I bought is any good. I personally really like it a lot, but my boyfriend thinks it sounds sexual.

Thanks for all and any advice! Smile

PS Opinions are welcome

- Jake - 04-08-2014 09:47 PM

Your initials could also represent Passion for: Liberia, lawrencium or living room
(had to be sure nothing more embarrassing came up)

I would never guess that LRPassion has anything to do with photography, unless you want to be stealthy and mysterious you may have to spend a bit more in branding promotion. The other extreme would be to gain a bit more search traction by having a descriptive name, some sites get a bigger boost by using an exact search phrase like PhotographyDallas.
I would not be so intent on using initials, something that suggests creative capture of memories, like PhotoMemories, imageMaker hint at the service. The Godaddy Bulk Search link under the find your domain tab allows you to test a list of name ideas at once.

- J - 04-08-2014 09:50 PM

why not an existing domain that has the word PHOTO< PHOTOGRAPHY< VIDEO< etc in the name as that would convey the business type - your initials or actual business can be whatever you want for the business but the domain name (address) can be more helpful in identification of services offered etc

- Mick - 04-08-2014 09:58 PM

I would suggest your name appended to "Productions".