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Clickbank Hoplink Won't Work On Go - Printable Version

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Clickbank Hoplink Won't Work On Go - Zackary - 04-08-2014 09:40 PM

Hi, I'm new to Clickbank & Go just purchased a domain from Go so I could forward & mask my hoplink from Clickbank, but it won't allow me to use the hoplink on Go it says "Forward to must be in the proper format." Did I just waste money on this domain from go Also if there is no fix for this could someone point me to a domain host that allows hoplinks from Clickbank? Thanks Much

- prouddoctor822 - 04-08-2014 09:46 PM

You can see how to forward/mask your Go Daddy registered domain here:

If for some reason you're getting an error, there may be an extra space or character in there, especially if you're cutting and pasting. To be sure, I'd try typing the URL by hand and if that still doesn't resolve the issue, give support a call. They're available 24/7 and can help you with this and get you up and running quickly:
