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I have a crush on my classmate. Should I talk to her on social media, as my initial step? - Printable Version

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I have a crush on my classmate. Should I talk to her on social media, as my initial step? - Prit - 04-08-2014 09:41 PM

I am from India and I just moved to USA, its just been 4 months so i am kinda new here, but I have a crush on my class mate And I can not really come up with anything on how to start a convo. with her. We talk casually during our soccer practice and at parties, but I dont know how to take the next step.

I reply to her tweets(rarely) and also have a picture of her and me as my DP on facebook and also changed her DP to the same picture as mine (:

But still confused what should I do? :/

- Kayla - 04-08-2014 09:41 PM

Talking to her on facebook is a good start. The best thing to do is just force yourself to talk to her more when you're around her, there's not much else to do to get her to like you more.

- lil will - 04-08-2014 09:45 PM

Some time when you are having a conversation, before you end it ask her if she would like to do something with you. Invite her to a movie, lunch, or something like that. If she says yes, then you're in luck. If not, then just say something like "maybe some other time" and try again another day. You seem like you get along fine, so it is just a matter of saying something.

- Deneil Vacciana - 04-08-2014 09:51 PM

That's a hard one, and I ain't talkin' about a boner! Loool Wink

- Saad - 04-08-2014 09:54 PM

no! dont make convo over social media as your first move. making convo is easy. talk about things around you that going on that you can relate too. talk about food! youre from india? talk about american or other cuisine and if she knows of any good places to eat. if she reccomends anything, ask her if she wants to go with you! then ask for her number, 'incase you forget the name of the place or name of food' or even talk about little things going on in your life. good look!

- Alma 37:37 - 04-08-2014 09:58 PM

You're already off to a good start if you two talk during soccer practice and parties. You CAN talk on social media, but I really wouldn't call that the "next step", being that it's just a normal conversation but through the computer. Your next step would be asking her to hang out during the weekend, just you two. Perhaps dinner just so you two can talk and get to know each other more without any of your other friends interrupting. Good luck!