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How do you feel about Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do you feel about Facebook? - David S - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

How do you feel about Facebook?

A) I Love It! I'm a Facebook enthusiast!
B) Facebook is great, but I use other social networking sites too.
C) I have an active Facebook page that I use occasionally to keep up with contacts. The usual.
D) I don't often login to Facebook, but I do have a page.
E) I don't have a Facebook page, yet, but I plan to.
F) I do not want a Facebook account.

I'm one of those people that would answer F, and would like to be the last holdout someday. LOL. Nothing wrong with it...just not for me. How do you feel about Facebook?

- Alyssa Chambers - 04-08-2014 09:47 PM


- Paramaniac - 04-08-2014 09:50 PM

B, but I feel that Tumblr is better and more private Big Grin

- Dogs Rule - 04-08-2014 10:00 PM

A)! I think Facebook, it is a pretty cool site. It's a godo way to contact with yoru friends. Facebook also has some cool games to!

- lostin Sweden - 04-08-2014 10:07 PM

I'm not exactly a facebook enthusiast, but I now live in a different continent from my home country..facebook is my only way to keep in touch with my it helps, but sometimes it just eats too much of my time and I wish i did not have an account

- JimDandy - 04-08-2014 10:09 PM

Facebook is, well, okay. I have an account, but I can also see the ramifications of it. For years, software companies have been busy creating methodologies to limit our exposure when it comes to personal identifying information. Everywhere you look, you see statements about usage being monitored and assurances being offered that no personally identifying information is kept about your usage. Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL, Adobe, Shockwave, etc., all give you these kinds of assurances when you download and use their software.

But then, along comes Facebook. And they want you to tell everybody in your network, who your friends are, who your family members are, where you work, where you went to school, whom you are dating, what you're doing right now. They use phrases like "the more you share, the more social the experience". And while you have some measure of control over what you share with others, you can be sure of one thing. 100% of everything that post on Facebook is shared with everybody at Facebook. And in 100% of what you do on Facebook, you're trusting the folks behind Facebook to maintain your privacy as they have so often failed to do.

But why would they care? Because 100% of what you post on Facebook, whether public or private, can be used to direct targetted advertising to you. And that means that Facebook is profitable.

20 years ago, before the Internet was what it is today, a small bulletin board type company named CompuServe existed. I paid $12 per hour of connected time to download headers, decide what I wanted to read, download the bodies, write comments/answers/etc, and then upload my responses. CompuServe was a closed system, which had absolutely nothing to do with the World Wide Web. But funny thing about that system. On more than 1 occasion, I've searched for things today, that I used to know in my youth, and up popped a comment that I wrote on CompuServe 15 or 20 years ago.

So, today, while Facebook violates your privacy through changes in their security policy and flaws in their software, tomorrow when its owned by somebody else, like Google for example, who might choose to make everything public and searchable; will you know that your most private thoughts between you and your Facebook friends will now be public and findable by everybody? Will you care? Will you care that you spent your Facebook years sharing personally identifiable information with the public at large? Think about it.

- whizzer 360. - 04-08-2014 10:16 PM

i was introduced to facebook on my own,i was on another website which crashed and ive been on facebook ever since,i like it,most of the dead websites members are on facebook plus my friends and family.