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A good, cheap custom domain site for my blog? - Printable Version

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A good, cheap custom domain site for my blog? - Natalie - 04-08-2014 09:42 PM

Hi there,

I'm looking to make a custom domain for my blog with I run through tumblr. I had a little look online but most of them claim to be cheap until you get to the check out, which seems to add on about £50!

I'm from the UK, so all american sites will be disregarded! Thank you very much! x

- acierin0x - 04-08-2014 09:51 PM

my brother uses these people, i think he got their name from the moneysavingexpert forums. just their freebie option works well for a site that doesn't get used too much. and their pricing plans aren't expensive if you did use more bandwidth

- Panicos - 04-08-2014 09:54 PM

Godaddy and use the referral code 'WOWpanicos' for a 25% discount.
If you are looking for a key word rich domain name you will pay over the odds, likewise if you are thinking of branding yourself by having your name as the domain, if you have a common name the price goes up, Supply and demand!
My name as my domain name cost me $8

- Open Sauce - 04-08-2014 09:59 PM

Firstly....I'm also from the does not matter where you buy your domain name or web hosting from, so you can purchase either from a US company.
Now....your question is a little confusing because it's not clear if you wish to only purchase a domain name which will point to your tumblr site, or if you wish to create your own site to replace your tumblr one.
If you wish to keep your tumblr site but have your own domain name, then you can purchase a name from as little as 2 pounds from crazy domains:
Once you've purchased the name you will then have to point it to your site at tumblr. To do this you will first need to find out what nameservers to use for tumblr, and their website should tell you.
Once you know thhese, you will need to log in to your account where you bought the domain name from and choose the option to set your nameservers. These will be something like and
Then.....wait for between 2 and 48 hours for the name to propogate the www.
If you wish to start your own blog separate to tumblr, then you need to purchase both a domain name and web hosting, and if you buy them at the same time from the same company, they will set the nameservers for you.
Once your name has propogated the world wide web, you will then need to set up your blog, you could either download wordpress or something similar by doing a google search, then upload it to your site and install it, but it would be much easier to purchase hosting which includes an auto installer. Try hostgator for a good deal:

- Gadgetroid - 04-08-2014 10:08 PM

Go to for all web dummy guides. Loads of articles + Shop + Deals.