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Issue with my mac browser!? - Printable Version

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Issue with my mac browser!? - Olisa - 04-08-2014 09:43 PM

So recently my mac started acting up whenever I went on the internet especially to watch a video. It keeps popping up with this warning and that says the requested video is causing my browser to slow down and my computer may become unresponsive or something . I've tried uninstalling flash player and installing it again. Besides that, random ads keep opening up especially when im using YouTube. New tabs open from nowhere and redirect my browser to sketchy scam-looking pages. This happens mostly when I go on YouTube. PLEASE HELP I'm not sure what to do

- SilverTonguedDevil - 04-08-2014 09:53 PM

That "...or something" leaves me totally confused. What about this idea: go "on", open a video, and write down the message.

Fake Flash Player update ads will pop up from time to time. To make things worse, Adobe decided to imitate the maleware makers and add their own pop-up ad about updating Flash Player. If you click the fake pop-up, it installs a cookie for further pop-ups about many different things.

To get rid of pop-up ads, do two things....
– Clear Safari history and cookies (Top menu bar, Safari menu > Reset Safari).
– Stop clicking pop-ups, even those that seem to be benign. Instead, bookmark this web page:
