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If I share an Internet connection can they??? - Printable Version

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If I share an Internet connection can they??? - Mrs.OMGItsHer - 04-08-2014 09:45 PM

I use my neighbors Internet connection I couldn't get my own so my neighbor said I could use theirs all I pay is 10 dollars I thought that was a good deal but now I'm wondering if I send pictures and messages over this shared connection can they see them can they get into my stuff I use this connection on my iPod mostly and I send pictures over viber and through email I'm now starting to feel uncomfortable with sending certain stuff because I'm starting to wonder can they see what I send???? I'd appreciate any help with this

- Linds - 04-08-2014 09:54 PM

In the emails and any pictures connected to itunes should be safe, but anything that is shared though the internet connection yes. It is possible depending upon how the network is setup.

And as a golden rule if you have pictures your uncomfortable of others seeing, then you probably shouldn't be sharing/sending especially over the internet on any connection.