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Judge took children away?? (Why?)? - Printable Version

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Judge took children away?? (Why?)? - Peaches12 - 04-08-2014 09:45 PM

A classmate kept bugging me on Facebook with friend requests. So I finally added her. She posted about how much she missed her children. (Ages 4 & 6). Later posted how the judge took her kids 8 months ago. She has not had contact with them since. Some one asked where they were she said foster care & she doesn't knows where.

What could she have done to have kids taken away, plus no contact what so ever??

- br549 - 04-08-2014 09:55 PM

Usually drugs, or sexual abuse.

- Keely - 04-08-2014 09:57 PM

I was taken away for a misunderstanding. Social services would come over and check our house every month and the lady that did it was a total bitch. She would purposely try to also. She would go to court and say me and my four other siblings were being neglected by my parents. We were all placed in foster care and me and my full brother. (I had two other brothers and one sister but they were half brothers and sister.) Got adopted into my dad's moms custody and her and my parents have shared custody over us. Me and my nana got into a huge fight and now I'm back with my parents.