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My Internet browsers are not working? - Printable Version

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My Internet browsers are not working? - None Of Your - 04-08-2014 09:46 PM

Google Chrome is the worst of them all. A few days ago, I couldn't switch tabs. Now whenever I click on a tab it leaves the tab I clicked on (no, I'm not clicking the x.)

Firefox doesn't let me touch certain things. (Like if I want to repeat a youtube video, it doesn't let me.)

And Internet Explorer doesn't let me scroll down the page sometimes.

I recently reset my computer, so can that be the problem? My internet browsers stopped working after that.

I tried re-downloading them but it still has the same problems.

- Nawar Oji - 04-08-2014 09:49 PM

the problem is from your system,, you must format and re download windows so the problem can be solved .