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How to Get Fans on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to Get Fans on Facebook? - Bill Price - 04-08-2014 09:46 PM

I was wondering how to get fans on Facebook, as I recently just launched my own site and I was wondering if I make a fan page how can I get people to like my fanpage. I have a little cousin that has helped me take photos and stuff for the wall but I need help on getting attention to the actual page and getting people to like it.

I want people to get realtime updates of what I'm doing so they can get in on it too and sometimes I will launch a promotion or a good deal that I would like people to know about. So any tips is helpful! Words, videos, representative dance, anything really would be helpful!



- Baltej Gill - 04-08-2014 09:53 PM

Hey Bill,

I actually created a short (and entertaining) video clip that demonstrates 10 different ways you can get fans on Facebook.

You can watch the video here:

Basically once you have built your fan page (and hopefully you did it correctly... if you are not sure the video will also explain this) - here are some ways to generate fans.

#1: Leverage the existing traffic coming to your website: So if you have a website, and you are getting visitors, let them know you are also on Facebook by putting a Facebook logo on your website and linking it to your fan page. This only works if you have a website and of course if you are getting traffic.

#2. If you have a database, you can send out an email blast letting your clients/customers know you are on Facebook. Again always think of an incentive for them to join. What will they get?

#3. You can always pay for fans by using Facebook Advertising. The good thing is Facebook lets you target by demographics, so if you are interested in getting fans that are Male, between the ages of 30-55 and live in California for example, you can target those exact people. Or you can target by interests, relationship status and a bunch of other things.

OK so there are 3 simple ways - it takes long TYPING this all out - watch the video below as it explains it all.

Good luck.

Baltej Gill