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Selling ideas to SRAM? - Printable Version

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Selling ideas to SRAM? - Muhd - 04-08-2014 09:58 PM

Hi there.Im just a mere 13 year old boy but with big dreams.Some of you people will think my dream to sell ideas to SRAM has no sense of equilibrium but im talking serious buisness.I've done some 3D modelling and some almost finished all i need to do now is to find the email address for sram.i couldn't find it.all i found is the n\phone number to not going to make a fool of my self by talking to them.soo if anyone knows the email address,please answer this.
To top it all this even possible.i have put a lot of my time on this 'project'.will they even will stare at my email.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 10:06 PM

Record companies and movie studios return unsolicited material unopened, in order to avoid the possibility of being falsely accused of stealing these ideas when they coincidentally develop a similar concept.
Professional inventors with their own garage laboratories may tell you that good ideals alone are a dime a dozen, having a prototype demonstration real innovation would help raise the interest of others. If you developed your own mobile application that drew some attention you have a better chance of getting a foot in the door.