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Why is it so hard to publish to urban dictionary now? - Printable Version

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Why is it so hard to publish to urban dictionary now? - 882 - 04-08-2014 10:01 PM

Way back, I used to submit really stupid crap I made up with dumb definitions, and they'd always go through. Then, like a couple years ago it started trying to put real slang and unofficial terms that are STILL not on there, and 90% of the time they get rejected. I use proper grammar, spelling, punctuations and give good examples and still.

Why did they go all hardcore against decent entries? It's like if the editor doesn't think it's cool, or funny on a personal level to them, then they reject it. Doesn't matter how valid it is.

- Jenna - 04-08-2014 10:07 PM

Probably because you used to make up crap.