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How do i convince my parents to let me start Adsense? - Printable Version

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How do i convince my parents to let me start Adsense? - CrewManForLife - 04-09-2014 01:22 AM

So basically i am a youtube gamer who mainly plays minecraft. My parents hate minecraft because a while back my brother was obsessed with it and now they won't let anybody play it anymore. I am getting pretty popular on youtube. I have 26,541 subscribers on youtube and really want to monetize my videos in order to get some money but since i need my parents to put in there information because i am under 18 than if i ask them they would definitely say no and tell me to focus on school more. My channel is growing rapidly and i really need to take it to the next level. For example i just got a sponsorship with Blue Microphones but since my parents don't know about my channel then i can't except the money they are offering me ($300). Please tell me the best way to go about asking them for there permission on this topic.

Random question but is the tax on youtube %40 or a little less?

- Subodh - 04-09-2014 01:35 AM

your question not understand by me .