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Should I do this on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I do this on Facebook? - Rafim98 - 04-09-2014 02:53 AM

So, I need some new friends on facebook. So I did some research and found those method where you can add 600+, 1000 friends at once just by copying random emails and pasting it to the invite box in your account and send it. Is it a safe idea? Am I going to get friend request blocked for 30 days or anything?

- Guj - 04-09-2014 02:54 AM


- Min - 04-09-2014 03:10 AM

If you are trying to Optimize your Social Media for a Business do it if it is really necessary. Most of the copy paste facebook e-mails will be india or china. Try to stay within your location. If you are trying to Optimize your Social Media to build a reputation try to find friends with in your location then go outside. Consider the Pros and Cons. Some e-mails are a spam bot advertising E-mail. If it is you will get annoyed.

- Angeleyes - 04-09-2014 03:21 AM

Yes you will get blocked for 30 days, be careful how many friend requests you send.

- GavinAndStaceyFan - 04-09-2014 03:33 AM

Well it sounds a bit silly to be friends with loads of people on Facebook that you don't even know. Information about you can be given out and make you open for strange people to find you or locate you. I wouldn't do it and my privacy settings on Facebook are locked tight as a ducks arse.