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Question about my Internet speed? (See Details)? - Printable Version

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Question about my Internet speed? (See Details)? - Daniel - 04-09-2014 03:20 AM

I did a speedtest from and it showed that my speed is 3.31 Mbps. Does that mean that when I download something, it downloads 3.31 megabytes per second? If that's true then shouldn't a 9.93 MB file download in exactly 3 seconds. So I am downloading Windows 8.1, which is 3.63 GB, so shouldn't that take about... 20 mins? (18.716616314199395770392749244713 minutes, to be accurate).

So why is it taking so long - it's only at 22% till now.
I just did the math; it takes 71 seconds for each percent to happen... if that #'s consistent, it'll 2h20m, two hours more than what should've been the case. And my service provider had promised like 10 Mbps.

- Norm F - 04-09-2014 03:30 AM

First I am not sure that your original calculation is exactly correct.
Now you are getting mixed up with Mbps and MBps.
Speedtest is in Mbps ie Mega Bits /sec the file is in MBps ie Mega Bytes/sec 8 bits = 1 Byte

Now to reality you will download any file at the rate that the website will download to you and that will depend on how busy that site is. The transfer could at times stop

You say that your provider has promised 10Mbps probably up to a max of 10Mbps Mega Bits.
If ASDL then you may get that speed if you are very close to the telephone exchange