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How do we market our band? - Printable Version

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How do we market our band? - dom - 10-15-2012 08:53 PM

My acoustic band has a facebook in which we update consistently, a newsletter, a myspace, and we play at various local places such as coffee houses. We do all this, yet we don't exactly have a solid fan-base.

Keep in mind, we are not bad at what we do. We've received a lot of great feedback from the people who have seen us live. Also, we both go to the same school that has only about 160 kids (not a huge marketing break). Thank you to all whom respond! It's greatly appreciated!

- Ring - 10-15-2012 09:02 PM

You will need some type of gimmick; something that sets you apart from everyone out there. I don't know what type of venue and market you have but the gimmick needs to be consistent with your audience and something they will accept and embrace - making your group unique.

I wish you the best of success.

Victoria Ring
Certified Paralegal and Bankruptcy Specialist

- Business Man - 10-15-2012 09:02 PM

You Want A Different style , You Need Something That Everyone Remember The Band For - Enter Contest - Look Up Events . Just remember Your Music , Style Makes Who You Are So Make Sure The Band Have It . Make A Mixtape & Go To Local Radio Station And Ask If They Can Play Your Song .

- reallydude - 10-15-2012 09:02 PM

Marketing can be tough, you need some capital to start out with. You might want to start off with some merch you can give to your friends, just something simple you can make yourself. Keep making good music and the rest will follow. Fight the good fight and make people take notice, don't be background noise.

- Jonathan W - 10-15-2012 09:02 PM

Do a random "drawing" from twitter. Tell your fans you need them to follow you on Twitter, and mention you in a tweet. Tell them someone who does that will win a free CD!