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My ex..somebody please take a guess what happened the other day? - classictvinc - 04-09-2014 03:51 AM

I'm 25, she is 23..Broke up a year ago
We go long periods without talking but I think about her all the had been 3 months..2 weeks ago she texts me randomly..she is nice and wants to hang out..I'm out of town though..I'm excited though..She starts commenting on my facebook a lot just being really nice..
I start thinking, wow maybe there is a chance we get back together ( I really miss her )

Here is where my question comes..I usually play it cool and let her start all communication, but I decide to comment on a post of hers that says she's out with her friend (*important..this girl HATES me)..They're at a chinese restaurant..I say "best burgers in town"..just a silly, harmless comment obviously..Her friend of course responds with a bitchy "wow, you sure are a smart one" (apparently so dumb she thought I had mistaken a restaurant called "Kiotashi Sushi" as a burger place)..My ex shocks me by responding "You're a douchebag loser. You're embarrassing dude.. get over the past"..her friend chimes back in with an LOL..then my ex chimes back in saying "Oh and I could go on and on but not worth my time lol"..I was in shock, she has never been so mean spirited and it made NO SENSE..we had been nothing but nice since she broke the silence and she had been posting nice stuff on my FB the last 2 weeks and less than 24 hours earlier she's on my FB saying how cute the picture of me and my niece is and how she misses "that"..

What the hell happened? I immediately unfriended her on FB..I know I'm a baby but I was in shock and my heart was racing..I haven't talked to her since (about a week ago)..Any idea why she would go bipolar out of nowhere and do this? Trying to impress her friend who hates me? Did she somehow horribly misinterpret my harmless comment? ..Still in shock

- 50Shadesofgrayhair - 04-09-2014 03:55 AM

I am a firm believer in leaving the past in the past. I do not understand keeping in touch with ex's. But, I think you should stop all contact. It seems she and her friend set out to hurt you. You shouldn't waste your time on shallow little bItches, who are vindictive, and petty. Look for a girlfriend who is more mature and deserving of your time.

- wishnuwelltoo - 04-09-2014 04:07 AM

Bipolar did actually cross my mind at the beginning of the post. I am wondering if she needs counseling for events in her past. Despite her age she seems socially immature so it suggest she has issues she hasn't worked through. I am also wondering about drug and or alcohol issues with either her or being raised by parents with drug and or alcohol issues. There is a saying in psychology....How you do anything is how you do everything. So she is nice one minute and dumping you the next and this has been going on for a suggest that without counseling she will continue this pattern for the next 20 years with you or any man in her life. It has nothing to do with you.....she has issues from her past that she is transferring to you. I would steer clear of her and close the door on this "relationship" since it seems that you getting hurt is the root of this roller coaster ride. Let her sort out her trauma on someone else. "get over the past" is an interesting comment since you were over the past and SHE is the one who keeps chasing after you. I think Get over the past is something that is a clue to what SHE needs to do. In the narcissistic mind...they often throw stones. So if they are lying.....they will accuse you of lying....if they are cheating....they will accuse you of cheating. They take their wrong and turn it around on the other person. Close the door on this mess. I am sorry you are hurting, but it sounds like she has a lot of issues that have nothing to do with you. Move forward with someone who isn't playing games at your age. People stop developing at the age of their trauma so since she is 23 and acting like 12 to is probably the age when bad things happened to her.