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I want to make a Facebook but i don't want my parents to find out? - Printable Version

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I want to make a Facebook but i don't want my parents to find out? - Food Food - 04-09-2014 05:37 AM

Okay well if I made a Facebook and I don't want my parents or any of my family to know that I have one (I only want a few friends to know) what do I have to do to make it possible that there is no way of them finding out? I know my mom has a Facebook and so does a lot of people on my moms side of the family (aunts, etc) and I know that on my dads side of the family my dad himself is the only person who has one but he doesnt have any friends and if he did it would only be the People he works with because his boss made me him get a Facebook to advertise things for the company he works for. But anyways, Well i know I'm purposely gonna use a smiley face as my last name so they can't find me that way, so like I won't popup under "people you may know" if I use my actual last name. I really don't know what to do. My friend said that the second I make an account I can always search my parents/family and click block user to all of them so that they'll never be able to find me at all. Is what my friend said true? And I know for a fact that none of my friends are friends with my parents/family so I'd never pop up as a possible mutual friend. But always back to the point, can I get away with this somehow? I don't know much about Facebook so some help would be appreciated. Smile

- Chrissy Boo - 04-09-2014 05:44 AM

Go under privacy settings and make your page private. It gives you choices of what to make private. I too have a fb account and my mom just doesn't want me to have one (my dad doesn't really care). I used a different nickname and I made everything private and only my friends are able to see my stuff. You can also go on youtube and find out how to make things private.

Hope this helps

- Anime - 04-09-2014 05:47 AM

Im the right person to ask
I am great at lying/ hiding this from my parents
1) Don't put your real first or last name Ex. Yui Martelloe
2) In your info, put some stuff you dont like/ do like to do(don't want your parents to be too suspicious)
3) When your done, make sure you don't put your name or email on your profile(delete it immediately)
4) Make sure you dont save your email or password on facebook
5) Dont spend too much time on your facebook at home. Find a place like your friends house to go on facebook
6) Don't add too much of your friends
7) Don't block your parents they will be suspicious
8) Once done with facebook, delete your history

Believe i have had facebook for many years and no one in my family noes about it

- trustthebear - 04-09-2014 06:01 AM

Yeah, it's called Spoofing Your Parents. You use your Yahoo Pulse account and do ordinary things, you don't care if they see it. It works similar to Facebook, but does not have all the Bells and Whistles. This Spoofing can be used to show Parents how responsible you are. Oh Boy, you guys really think all parents are that stupid, not to know people always create an illusion account that doesn't connect to them. Even as an adult I have accounts not linked to me. The only link that can be established is where the IP Address is coming from. As parents we actually learn from our own children, what they do. The real problem is if they know the name of your friend they can search for them. Unfortunately it is all in the game of Spoofing people. If I did manage to get added to your friends Facebook, I would recognize the way you talk, the way you act and things I have heard you say. It would make a connection that would make me really question if this person is you. Cover all your bases carefully. And yes, I have raised three Children.

- Hannah - 04-09-2014 06:05 AM

when i signed up i blocked my brother and dad on there.My mom doesnt use the computer so she doesnt have a facebook - my mom and brother know i go on there but not dad and they dont even know that i blocked them,.

- 579 - 04-09-2014 06:12 AM

facebook's terms are for users to be aged 13 and over. They don't have parental controls, only privacy settings with which you can control who has access to your profile.

Facebook does have some, very limited protection for under 18s, so if you lie about your age you risk not having these.

You need to calmly convince your parents that you won't put yourself at risk and won't spend 24/7 on the computer instead of doing your homework. Talk to your parents about social networking. Lose your temper and you've lost the argument! Every parent wants to protect their child from bullies, fraud, computer viruses and worse; it's only natural. So try to see this from their point of view when you ask!

Some useful material to share with your parents... they'll show you've done some research! You all should watch/read these:
BBC's esafety video:
CEOP esafety video for young people in KS2:
esafety advice for parents:
facebook privacy settings guide: