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what is a reasonable charge for advertising on website/s? - Printable Version

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what is a reasonable charge for advertising on website/s? - Baa - 04-09-2014 05:42 AM

I run my own website and my google rankings are now on the first page (UK google search) and I get regular views from Germany, Canda, USA, Australia, South Africa, UK(#1) then some more but much less in other countries globally.
I am looking for companies to both advertise on my website (they will send me an image / artwork and a paragraph to put up on a certain page or on the side bar on main page) and I want some of them to send me products to review.
How do I go about this? just email them and offer + hope for the best? when one contacts me back how do I calculate the charges for the advertising? is there a standard? I definitely do not want to overcharge them but also dont want to charge too little as I have worked real hard getting this site to such high rankings.

PS: most of the companies that would be contacted or will contact me back will be in the US

All advice welcome,

- Dawson Dravis - 04-09-2014 05:50 AM

Some of the points that would determine price for advertising on a given site are:

1. Number of unique visitors per day to that site...

2. Bounce long does each visitor stay on a site...the longer they stay, the better!

3. If you're selling a product/service, what does it add to your bottom line to pick up just one new customer a month? For instance, if a dentist picked up just 1 new customer per month, they're going to be adding a few $1,000 dollars to their bottom line simply because of the cost for a general cleaning twice a year, plus any additional 'up-sells' (teeth whitening, braces, etc., etc.,) they could sell to that customer.

4. What would YOU be willing to pay for advertising on your own website if the site in question was getting say 3,000 unique views a month, the bounce rate was high and just getting 1 new customer a month put an additional $500 dollars in your pocket?

There's so many different factors to take into consideration, it's almost impossible to give you, or anyone for that matter an 'exact amount'...

- Open Sauce - 04-09-2014 06:06 AM

It doesn't usually work like that, you would normally run a pay perclick prgramme of some sort, like google adsense:<mpl=adsense&passive=true&continue=
Although adsense pays very little for sites with little traffic, if you're getting a fair amount of traffic, you'll get a better profit. You could also sign up to affilliate programmes for a higher profit.
You would need to find products or services related to, but not in competition with your business, then check that providers website to see if they run an affilliate programme (often listed at the very bottom of a site), then see how much they pay per sale. A good web hosting company for example, pays 50 dollars per sale.

- Frank - 04-09-2014 06:11 AM

It varies from site to site. Sites which are highly visited, often charge more than the ones which don't get much traffic.

- Raducanu - 04-09-2014 06:13 AM

Good to know that your website is doing good and gaining traffic from all over the world. You can make your account in Google Adsense and can get the desired advertisements, Google pays for them. When there are visitors visiting your website and click on that third party advertises then its Google who pays you for that.