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Please give a complete answer... read below please? - LandauMartin - 04-09-2014 07:15 AM

I am a 13 years old male. So far for the past months, I have been thinking so so much about 2 boys. I just LOVE them SO much.
Does that mean I am gay? I know I am pretty young but I am worried about this.
Even worse, I don't have that strong attraction to girls like I used to have Sad

Don't get me wrong but those boys are SOOOO hot.
I have no friends to talk to.
I am thinking of telling one of them to "kiss" me. Since I may have no other choice.
Please give me a complete answer to this mess.

Thank You

P.S: I am already aware I am too young, but I want to know.

One more thing, here is a picture of one of the boys, HE IS SO HOT!!!
Every body, add your answer. 2 or 3 days later, I will see witch answer is most helpful.
Every body, add your answer. 2 or 3 days later, I will see witch answer is most helpful.
Thank you so much guys for the good answers!! I will chose a best answer later.

Meanwhile, if you have any other answers, post it. it might be helpful.


PS: I have NO friends and I will NEVER EVER have friends.(seriously) (8 years of severe autism) and I am not American

- george - 04-09-2014 07:27 AM

Heyy okay so like i think u should be bi especually since you say u feel sorta still attracted to girls and u think boys are hot. I'm 15 and was straight my whole life. Then i met this guy and now im bi. I would say ur bi. Goodluck Smile

- Brennan - 04-09-2014 07:38 AM

Im kidding i love gays Its normals Smile

- fredy - 04-09-2014 07:48 AM

Let me get this straight. You still like girls but now you do love guys, so you are bi as simple as that. As long as you really love the boys not just attracted to them or feel that they are hot. Being gay isn't just liking guys is loving from all your heart emotionly and sexually guys. So know you have all what you need and it is up to you to discver if you bi/gay/str8

- quidagamus - 04-09-2014 07:58 AM

You can think another guy is hot, cute or attractive and not be gay but when you think you love him and you want to kiss him that pretty much means you're gay. You do sound confused so maybe you're not sure exactly what's going on. When it comes to being gay I believe that you know you're gay, you look at guys all the time, you look at their eyes, their lips their body, you think about them, you dream about them. If you picture a guy in your mind when you masturbate then that pretty much means you're gay.

When I was your age, I felt that it was wrong to be gay because that is the world I grew up in and what I was taught. I tried to think about women, I tried to think they were sexually attractive but I had absolutely no interest in the female body. Actually I found the female body kind of repulsive. By the time I was 14 I knew that I could never find a female attractive and that I would only ever like guys. If you have those kinds of feeling it pretty much means you're gay, if you don't have those kinds of feeling, then you might want to sit back and see how things develop in the next couple of years. You don't decide to be gay, you can decide to have gay sex with a guy but you don't decide to be gay, either you are or you're not.

The biggest mistakes gay men make is having a crush or thinking they are in love with a straight friend. The feelings are confusing because we love our friends and right now your hormones are raging so it's hard to tell the difference between sexual love and friend love. The fastest way to lose a friend is to make a pass at him when he's not interested. Just because you like someone it does not mean they feel the same way about you. You can't go around kissing guys or girls unless they want to kiss you too.

I don't know where you live or what kind of environment you live in so i can't give you specific advice. There are some schools and some areas where people don't have a problem with gays then there are some places where it's a big problem and other people will bully you or beat you up or constantly harass you. If you feel that you have a very close friend, a friend you can trust no matter what then you can try talking to them about it but be careful, test the waters first. Just talk about gays in general to see how they react, if they have a negative reaction then stop and don't go any further.

We shouldn't have to hide the fact that we are gay but for our own survival sometimes we have to wait until we're older to talk about it. Some people wait until after they are out of college and on their own before they tell family and friends in case they are rejected so they don't have to depend on someone else.

It's best not to date someone just because you think they're hot, you want to pick someone to date that you like as a person.

- o sage one - 04-09-2014 08:14 AM


It's not unusual at your age to be curious about your friends and want to compare with them, etc.

But if you're wanting to kiss these guys instead of wanting to kiss girls, then you are probably gay. That does not mean you have to act on those feelings, anymore than it means a straight guy your age needs to have sex.

Do not ask one of these guys to kiss you. If they are not gay, most jr hi guys will not take it well. You may get hit, or talked about all over school. What you will not get is kissed. Even if a guy is gay, he probably would not take it very well just coming unexpectedly.

Before anything like that happens, you would need to be friends first, or at least to know the other person and you 'like' each other. Looking at some of your other posts, you say you don't have friends, so that's what you need to work on first.

Looking at how incredibly gifted you are in science, chemistry especially, you need to be at a special school. Many USA states have a 'School of Science and Math', something like that. You go live there with other students who have similar interests. Many students describe it as feeling 'at home' for the first time in their lives.