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Needing some internet assistance still..? - Printable Version

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Needing some internet assistance still..? - Ryne - 04-09-2014 09:50 AM

Okay. So The latencies. Omg. Terrible. And what's with it not showing an ip address there? That's not normal right? (Referring to the picture.)

- Jan - 04-09-2014 10:03 AM

it is showing an IP address, just IPv6 instead of IPv4.
The latencies could be due to a number of things:
- you have other things running in the background that use up your bandwidth (e.g. updates, torrents, ...)
- someone else on your network is using up your bandwidth
- your ISP has internal problems, nothing you can help but wait
- you just have bad connection to this server. that is mostly due to routing / problems on the way there and nothing you can help but wait.
- the server you're trying to reach is overloaded and doesn't have time to respond to you in time
and many other things.

Try pinging other servers and see if you have the same problem
search your own computer/network for consumers of bandwidth

Next time you post a pic, make it at least big enough so people can see details. those are important when troubleshooting problems, especially when you don't give sufficient information for others to troubleshoot