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A guy asked me to prom over facebook? - Printable Version

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A guy asked me to prom over facebook? - Queensp123 - 04-09-2014 11:09 AM

Ok so today thus boy asked me to peom over facebook. He has some sort of disability in his legs and he is shorter than me. Now, I really donr know what to say. The problem isn't him being handicapped but I just don't know what to say. Would you go to prom with him?

- Arie - 04-09-2014 11:13 AM

yeah you would make his year

- SillyGoose<3 - 04-09-2014 11:15 AM

Do what makes you happy, helping a guy out or going with the plans you already had.
Neither one of them makes you a good or bad person

- Hana - 04-09-2014 11:21 AM

Tell him this and use these exact words &quot;look you&#x27;re a really amazing guy and any girl would be so lucky to go to prom with you but I&#x27;m not really sure right now maybe we should hang out or something first ya know?&quot; &lt;----- that&#x27;s if you wanna say no

- ? - 04-09-2014 11:23 AM

Do you not wanna go to prom with him? If its because of his physical appearance, that&#x27;s a little shallow. But I can understand if its cause maybe you dont really know him? If I personally knew him and he had a good personality , I would say yes. Looks and height arnt everything. Just tell him weather you do or dont. In the nicest way possible.

- Justly A Male33 - 04-09-2014 11:29 AM

I think not. Why you want to end your reputation just like that? Date somebody who is worth your time not him