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solution error of The proxy server isn’t responding in internet explorer? - Printable Version

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solution error of The proxy server isn’t responding in internet explorer? - Ali - 04-09-2014 12:24 PM

I check proxy settings
Go to Tools > Internet Options > Connections
but it was not useful for me.
please help me

- chandra - 04-09-2014 12:33 PM

Try this.
Go to internet options, double click, to show properties, go to advanced tab and reset internet explorer.
Please close all the programs before doing this. This will restore your i.e to factory settings. Most problem solved to restore to factory settings
Next, right click IE icon and click properties, select the shortcut tab, and see that only "c:program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe" only remains in the target box, the first box, delete any other extension of http and other entries. Just make sure the quotes also in the above location.
If this has not fixed, then uninstall ie and reinstall ie by using this microsoft link
As a precaution, uninstall other browsers and reinstall them. Update internet explorer using window updates

- Ayame - 04-09-2014 12:39 PM

I highly recommend utilizing in order to unblock internet sites. I've been with them since 4 years.