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Can "Read More" for blog posts affect SEO? - Printable Version

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Can "Read More" for blog posts affect SEO? - NickoleLove - 04-09-2014 03:09 PM

I have a blog and instead of each post being on the page, there is a the first paragraph of each post and then at the bottom of the post there is a "Read More" button that takes you to the entire post. See Here:

My question is, would this have a negative affect on SEO versus having each entire post on the page?

- Jake - 04-09-2014 03:16 PM

The search engines should understand this common page indexing form, the summary page on some sites ranks in searches as well. Hopefully you have secondary indexes, lake 'latest posts' that go directly to the full versions. As long as your pages are showing up in search results, confirming that the search engine spiders have found them you should be OK. Really only enterprise sites with thousands of pages need to work out strategies to get the search spiders to see as much content as possible in their brief visits.

The Google search, finds 116 pages, does that sound right?

- Jack - 04-09-2014 03:31 PM

I have checked your website and I think there is no problem with "Read More" button. Google is caching your website and it is good for your website.