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Is he just messing with me or is he interested? - Printable Version

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Is he just messing with me or is he interested? - bethany - 04-09-2014 09:31 PM

So this guy that I have a second semester class with is so cute. I thought that about him on the first day but I didn't know his name. Then this guy added me on Facebook and I didn't know who he was but I thought it was a different person. Anyway the guy that added me had liked my picture. So I went to his profile and it turned out to be the cute guy in my class and I started freaking out. And then I like his profile picture because I wanted him to notice me and he did and I posted another picture a day later and he liked it.
Then in class he stared at me and made eye contact with me and when we looked at each other, it felt like there was something there. Anyway he started sitting behind me and asked me for gum once and I gave him some and when I handed it to him, he looked into my eyes and it was magical. And after that he liked my
Changed profile picture. But the thing is he smokes and drinks and hasn't messaged me yet. What's happening??

- Russ - 04-09-2014 09:39 PM

Interactions on a social networking site aren't really something to base a relationship on. Personally, I'd stay away from someone who smokes and drinks, but it's your decision.
If you genuinely have feelings for him, you should find out more about his personality, talk to him instead of just giving him gum. You'll never know what a person is like until you actually talk to the guy.

- serrah - 04-09-2014 09:44 PM

He likes you, I can tell. All the guys that gave me that kind of eye contact, I ended up finding out that they like me.. It shouldn't matter if he drinks and smokes, dont judge him for that. Good luck Wink