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Should I tell my boyfriend about my Ex still trying to talk to me? - Printable Version

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Should I tell my boyfriend about my Ex still trying to talk to me? - Gurl1818 - 04-10-2014 05:54 AM

I'm madlllyyyyyyyy happy with the guy I'm with right now. He's amazing, sweet, funny and just makes me happy. My ex, who I was with for a year, wants me back.
My ex told me about how he can't get me off his mind and that he made a mistake by letting me go and not fighting for me when he could've.
I promised my ex that I'd be there to help him with his problems when I could(he has home issues too) but he keeps bringing up us and how we used to be. I keep reminding him that I have a boyfriend and how I no longer like him, he gets mad, yells, hangs up, then leaves me tons of voice messages and texts.
I'm getting tired of my exs sh!t. I want to tell my boyfriend what's going on but I don't want to start a fight.I feel bad for not telling him because he should know everythinnggg.
I want nothing to do with my ex whatsoever. I tried to help by being his friend and help with his family issues but obviously I can't without him bringing us up and then becoming a jerk.

I've been ignoring my ex and blocking him on social media.

Anyway, would you want your gf/bf telling you when their ex is trying to contact them?
I've been ignoring him but he still texts me(my phone won't block numbers?) and should I tell him when he does?? I don't want any fights.

I feel bad for not telling him as it is but my ex only started contacting me a week or two ago so it's not like it's been going on for months:l I really hope I don't sound like an aweful person.

- hotstuffktr - 04-10-2014 06:08 AM

Don't tell your new fella. Tell your old BF to knock it off. If he doesn't, say you'll mention what he's doing to HIS parents, or yours (or your brother, if you have one).

- SGM - 04-10-2014 06:18 AM

Do not tell your boyfriend. There is no need to volunteer this information because you have done the correct thing by ignoring your ex and blocking him.

If your boyfriend ever asks about your ex contacting you, then you honestly answer that your ex tried contacting you a couple weeks ago, but you told the ex you are in a happy relationship and then stopped all contact with your ex (including blocking him) because you are a loyal girlfriend.

Than ends the topic completely.

- Jay - 04-10-2014 06:30 AM

no I have been where your at don,t tell your bf not because he may think your cheating flat out tell him him your done and don,t want to be with him and if your ex does not like to bad he was the one that let you go and second you are not doing anything wrong and if your boyfriend does find out about your ex bothering you tell your x called you out of the blue