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Why is my 58-year old mom being overly dramatic? - Printable Version

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Why is my 58-year old mom being overly dramatic? - Kyori - 04-10-2014 08:23 AM

She would sometimes say that when she was younger she was treated as a princess but now that we (her children) came she was no more than a over-worked mule, that we don't show her appreciation, that when we graduate she wants out of our lives. She's not like this before. She usually loves us so much.

I'm speculating that she is acting like this because either:
1. She has no adult partner to talk to and vent her emotional stress and rely on (she was recently divorced, but I don't know she looked happier after it)
2. She's on a midlife crisis (She has been bragging her past achievements lately, how she surpassed everyone that bullied her when she was younger, or how she has many suitors, she's also addicted to facebook and dating websites and chatting)

I want to understand this situation better so we can work this out as a family. We need each other for support afterall. And we are Filipinos, so family is very important to us.

- Jennifer - 04-10-2014 08:30 AM

Sounds to me that she may be a bit stressed out. Just show her your uncondition love, and appreciate her more, she needs to be "babied" in a way.