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Why are people so self-centred? - Printable Version

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Why are people so self-centred? - Natsume - 04-10-2014 10:44 AM

I don't mean the obvious selfishness but the subtleness of those who claim to be all nice. It's all about me me me.

People complain about everyday little things and don't seem to take consideration of the feelings of others who suffer far worse…. People who complain about not getting the presents they want - well some don't get presents at all. People who take advantage of other people's kindness because they are **** all lazy. People who boast about their new job whilst others who are struggling to get hold of one. People who keep breaking promises and letting others down. People who are struggling to live and on a verge of dying. People who live in an abusive home etc etc…

In conclusion those who judge people without getting to know their situation e.g. a person could be very jealous of someone's lifestyle but they don't realise that they worked very hard for it. There is no need to be judgemental, you should treat everyone equally and with respect.

Not only just that. People who post selfies and self statuses - I have never seen the most self-absorbed thing in my life. Social media is flooded with self-absorbed people who need some sort of validation or attention… how they use social media totally brings out their true nature.

Even now I am complaining and it makes me wonder if I'm just being bitter. I am sick of people's attitudes and ignorance to the unfortunate. I don't know why it bothers me so much... I just feel like no one genuinely cares about others. I know no one is perfect and it's fine to share your happiness but is it so hard to think twice/carefully about what you say or do without hurting their feelings?
@LL Thank you for your response and I agree with what you are saying. I know a lot of it is to do with personalities and individualism. That is what makes us all unique and interesting. I always thought being self-absorbed is wrong and mean but you have opened my eyes a bit more.

@Sean Yes I agree I am ranting selfishly, I knew that whilst I was typing hence why I considered myself as a 'bitter' person for feeling this way but that kind of selfishness is not as comparable to the level of what I described of others. Is it selfish and wrong for me to want more compassionate people?

- wishnuwelltoo - 04-10-2014 10:55 AM

Narcissistic personality disorder

- LL - 04-10-2014 11:03 AM

There's nothing wrong with being self absorbed, because most people are.

In the past I remember having this one friend that always got mad at me, when I didn't do anything. I'm a bit of a 'house-bunny' in that I love staying/being at home and basically being completely happy doing nothing but read, chill in the backyard, and be by myself. He'd get mad at me when I didn't compliment him back after he gave me a compliment, he'd surprise me with a gift one day for April fools day (and I mean, who celebrates that?) then get mad at me for not giving him a present back, and I could go on with more examples but my main point here is that there's so many types of personalities in the world. Some people call me "self-centered" a lot of the time because I barely do anything for anyone else, because I see no reason to. It's just how you see the type of personality. And for me, I consider my old friend's 'I'm always happy except when you don't meet my expectations' personality very self-absorbed.

- Sean - 04-10-2014 11:11 AM

unlike you who rants on selfishly i will just say... your mind is your own and it should be busy

- Olga - 04-10-2014 11:21 AM

Self-centeredness is our inherited quality. We’re born egoists. But it was on the rise for last few decades. Mass media contributes to it as well making it into acceptable norm of behavior or culture. Only a few people can recognize wrong in it. Most people cannot simply because they still can get away with their selfishness, lack of sensitivity, etc.

Where does it lead us? Eventually we’ll have to denounce our egoism and change individually and collectively and come up with a new way of relating to one another. This would be a next step in our evolutionary development. By building relationship of mutual consideration and support and we’ll rise to higher level of consciousness as intended by Nature itself.

The idea of new relationship between people is already being explored here - . Brows the site if you have time. It might resonate with you. All the best!