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Marketing strategy for professional? - Printable Version

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Marketing strategy for professional? - Ajw297220 - 04-10-2014 12:21 PM

I recently started a accounting/bookkeeping/tax business. I'd really only like to do small business taxes. I've been thinking of going door to door. Is that rude? Any other ideas?

- Michael - 04-10-2014 12:32 PM

Really any advertising ideas are good and door to door is not rude but people can be rude. I like door to door because you can actually explain to people what you can do and offer, if them will take the time to listen. I run an income tax business and I sometimes use places like backpage, which has local settings, flyers are always good, placing self made business cards works, and inetgiant is good also because you can again make local placements. Recently I just hired some local children to carry my flyers around the community and just hand them to people. Wow, I saw the people reading the flyers because the children handed them to them. And the children wanted to make some extra movie money so is was cost effecting. Lastly, be as imaginative as possible in your own way, and the customers you are suppose to get will come. I hope this info has helped some.

- robert m - 04-10-2014 12:34 PM

You going door to door would be fruitless (but try if for yourself).

You could do flyer's/letters. Its a numbers game - get large enough coverage and you will get some results but expect less than 1%.

Presumably you did some form of business planning - who is your target customer? Failing that try networking, joining local chambers of commerce, forum events, and get referrals from existing clients.