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why is my business not at the top of search (By town) in Google? - Printable Version

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why is my business not at the top of search (By town) in Google? - Wio12Letstarly - 04-10-2014 12:34 PM

When I search my category business in my town , for example convenience store in XYZ town, NY

I see many other convenience stores in the list. My business is not shown unless someone clicks "see more results"

Why is that ? Are there things I can do to get to the top ?

- Donald - 04-10-2014 12:45 PM

Because you haven't put in the correct, or sufficient number, of key words and metadata.

Also, because not enough other sites link to your website.

Do some basic research on search engine optimization.

Hope that helps.

- piglett722 - 04-10-2014 12:49 PM

not enough stuff is link to your business. for example social media or blogs of people saying hey this business is the best in town

- Jake - 04-10-2014 01:05 PM

There are courses you can buy that teach techniques to get better ranking is Google Places (or whatever they are now calling it) those A-G labeled stick pins mark local listings, you can claim the local listing page for your business and refine it with sales copy, photos, etc as well as adding more categories the company matches. They verify the ownership with a postcard. It seems that the search ranking of your regular business web site effects the ranking of the places page, at one time user reviews and citations on the many free business directory sites were big factors in local ranking.

If not yet in charge of your places page, try:

- Scott - 04-10-2014 01:12 PM

Keywords in MetaData are Useless.

If you are taking about the "local" results, these are ranked differently than the standard Google Algorithm. Make sure that your Google Local profile is complete with as much detail and information as possible. Entice your existing customers to rate and review your business in Google as well. This will help improve the listing.

Have you claimed your Google Local listing, or is it an automated listing? If automated, take the time to claim it.

Also having a quality well optimized website can help too. Consider having your Google Plus account updated regularly and keeping active.