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How to fix internet on Lubuntu? - Printable Version

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How to fix internet on Lubuntu? - Hot Stuff Hajile - 04-10-2014 02:04 PM

I have a hp 550 with a broadcom driver. I cannot get internet, and i cant get "wired". I found in Software and Updates/Additional Drivers, that i cannot enable my broadcom 802.11 bcm 4312 wireless lan controller, because everytime i press, "Using broadcom 802.11 linux sta wireless driver source from bcmwl kernel source(proprietary)", and press apply changes, it just goes back to "Do not use the device"

Help. I am a noob at Lubuntu, though i used Ubuntu, Backtrack, Puppy, and more.
Remember, i cannot get internet in any "wired" way.

Best Regards
Step by Step instructions will be helpful.
On terminal
Or a link

- Fernando L - 04-10-2014 02:20 PM

Your laptop looks a lot like mine. I have a compaq nc6220 I got it from a friend and it was't working at the time so I opened it up and I have ubuntu on it but my wirless does not work I don't know if its because I messed up the wire connections or if it doesn't work at all on ubuntu based OS. I don't think you will find much help here go to the lubuntu forum or ubuntu forum and ask this question someone better suited will help you. Right now I have wifi on my laptop because of a D-link DWA 160 wirelss usb reciever on it THE one that DOEST not have the refress button, I have 2 same routers one has the refresh button and one does not the one with the refresh I cannot get to work or at least not plug and play the one without the refresh button works plug and play no driver installation required. Use that as a last resort if you cant find a fix for your internal wifi. It should work on lubuntu since I also have lubuntu but on a desktop.

- Christopher - 04-10-2014 02:24 PM

Even though Linux supports many drivers, The one for the wireless card you're using may not come bundled with the system.

Go to the manufacturers website on a computer with internet and see if they have Linux drivers,

That is your best bet if the problem is drivers, If it is not the problem then i do not know.