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how can he have no remorse? - Printable Version

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how can he have no remorse? - Raven - 04-10-2014 07:27 PM

Hey ive wrote here before about my husband leaving me for another woman. We are both going we got married at the ages of 18 and 19. Don't let the age fool you I was very prepared for marriage mostly because a lot of my family have gotten married young. Well long story short we have been married a year and 6 months. One day he came home and just told me he wasn't happy and wanted a divorce. I tried for months to repair things. First he said he wanted space then I seen he had been on dating websites and getting nude pictures from other women. After that it went to he wanted a separation after that I found out more and he told me he wanted a divorce. Well, it's been four months , two months ago I decided to come stay with my mom and then he went wild. I found out from other people that he has a gf and she has been coming to see him. He has been on social media saying things about her and basically having a full relationship with this other woman. I'm so confused since he told me he did still love me he just wasn't interested anymore. Since then I've confronted him and her and he got so mad and said I wanted him miserable. I don't get it, he left me and my son but I'm making him miserable? He has NO remorse and now that I know about her he isn't in the dark about the things they are doing. It makes me sick to my stomach. I just don't see how he is in love that fast with her and how he just has no remorse or even says I'm making him miserable when he left us

- Happy-2 - 04-10-2014 07:29 PM

People who have no conscience have no remorse. It was a very big mistake on YOUR part to marry a man with no conscience.

PS - Stop listening to his words. It doesn't matter who he says he loves or who he's in love with. You know a man by what he DOES. And based on what he's doing, he's a lying scumbag.

- LEYKIS 101 - 04-10-2014 07:41 PM

LOL!! The real problem is you lied to yourself!!!

You said, Don't let the age fool you I was very prepared for marriage mostly because a lot of my family have gotten married young.


If you were prepared you would have picked a better man to marry but you made a dumb decision so stop say you were prepared!!! You was prepared to make a mistake!!! You marry someone who did not love you!! this is why he has moved on so fast!!! He was not ready to be married!!! So you was prepared to marry a guy who was not ready to be married!! So your preparations was horrible!! If you would have took your time, you would have found this out before you married him!!! This is why a lot of people told you not to get married at a young age but you did it anyway because you thought you were prepared!!! Now you know you weren't!!!

- Who Cares? - 04-10-2014 07:51 PM

Don't blame the victim. Maybe she was young and naive but that doesn't excuse his horrible behavior. I agree with Happy-2 that his actions show you everything you want to know.

- Bradley - 04-10-2014 08:02 PM

Because some people only think about their own happiness and disregard the happiness of others around them. He was not ready to settle down and cheated to fulfill his needs. He simply does not care about you or your feelings because he is all in on himself and his perceived needs.

- swbarnes2 - 04-10-2014 08:05 PM

"Don't let the age fool you I was very prepared for marriage mostly because a lot of my family have gotten married young."

Bully for you. Was HE prepared?

" I just don't see how he is in love that fast with her and how he just has no remorse or even says I'm making him miserable when he left us "

So you are saying that being "very" prepared for marriage didn't include understanding what your husband-to-be was really like? Did you not think that was part of being "very" prepared?

- PATMAN - 04-10-2014 08:15 PM


- krull - 04-10-2014 08:30 PM

first, go see a lawyer and see what your rights are. Then see a counsellor since he obviously has moved on your will need too. A therapist can help you work through what happened and remember it was not your fault - he was not man enough to come to you with his problems to work through.

good luck.