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Does anybody have a Crunchyroll account I could use? - Printable Version

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Does anybody have a Crunchyroll account I could use? - Jericho - 04-10-2014 10:24 PM

Just make sure to email it to me at

Also, if you need to keep in-touch I'd be willing to add you on Facebook and give you my phone number.
I know I can start a free trial but my parents are a bit touchy on using their card.
If you're not gonna share the account, then don't bother to answer. Thanks!

- Navolrac - 04-10-2014 10:26 PM

Sorry for bothering even though I don't have an account to spare. I might be able to give an alternative though.

You could probably use to create a false account. The website provides a fake creditcard number as well so you should be fine.

Depending on where you live this might be considerd fraud though, personally I see it the same as downloading movies etc. wrong but acceptable. However many people would disagree with me there


If that doesn't work you could creat a paypal account on You can just send money to your paypal account with a regular bank account or link it to you regular bank account. And pay or if you cancel your membership not pay through paypal.