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Need help for a name to use in the USA!? - Printable Version

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Need help for a name to use in the USA!? - W - 04-11-2014 05:32 AM

I've been born and breed in Asia with a Chinese name. Problem here is that I'll be going to the States to pursue my undergraduate studies, and I need my professors and peers there to be able to pronounce my name if I want to fit in. Oh, and just another detail, the university that I will be going to isn't located in the big city. It's in a small town.

My name is actually Yang Jingyi. I was thinking of getting them to call me 'Jing', but I'm not very sure if they can pronounce it. I don't need them to pronounce it the Chinese way, since I understand that it's not very possible and I actually don't really care how it sounds like.

Do you guys think that 'Jing' is okay and easy to pronounce? I mean I don't want to see them hesitate to talk to me or stuff just because they're not sure of how to pronounce 'Jing', or that they forgot my name since 'Jing' is too different from the usual names you hear in America.

Or when I introduce myself, should I say "Hi, I'm Jingyi, but you can call me 'Jing' as in jingle." Do you guys think that this works?

If worst comes to worst, I might just find a new English name for myself (it's really the last choice for me though simply because it's really weird to just add a new name onto your Facebook profile. Just so you guys know, Asians tend to be more judgmental than others).

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!! Thank you!!

- Cass - 04-11-2014 05:37 AM

Hun, your name is not that hard to pronounce.
And there are lots of Chinese people in universities who use their regular name.
But, if you're so hellbent on using a short name, Jing should be okay.

- Andrew - 04-11-2014 05:54 AM

Keep your own name. That's what we do now.

- SomeoneElse - 04-11-2014 06:09 AM

They're more likely to remember your original name as most americans prefer unique names!

- Browning1418 - 04-11-2014 06:11 AM

Jing is so cute! I even think that Jingyi is fine because it is easy to pronounce and it looks like how it is pronounced in English. If you did actually decide to change your given name to an English name, I would go with something that starts with a "J" so at least it sounds like your chinese name. You could do something like Jane, June, Jess, or Jill. Hope this helped.