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Why is my Ex trying to check up on me through Facebook? She has a new BF..? - Printable Version

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Why is my Ex trying to check up on me through Facebook? She has a new BF..? - Vincent - 04-11-2014 07:00 AM

We broke up a few months ago after two years of dating. I've had minimal contact. We have a bunch of mutual friends through facebook and every once in a while I did check her profile out to see how she is doing. I miss her and I really did love her. Like every breakup story, I did everything in the world for this woman and her family. We were so close. We had a messy breakup that she blamed all on me because I found her trying to meet up with another guy through her phone ..but lied how I found out for nearly two weeks. She never did cheat on me and see anyone but I stuck to my lie.I guess.. I just didnt wanna hurt her or lose trust. She's left and came back to me before in the past after dating around..I never gave her a reason not to come back or a reason to leave.I was good to her and we always had so much fun. I always chased...always .This time I did.give a reason by lying and refused to chase because the intent was there. I had so much invested. She was wrong but I apologized and walked away for my mistake.

Since, She was putting up a lot of hateful posts and guilt trips on me through Facebook.Though it was over I had to confront her because I missed having her in my life. When I talked to her she admitted she had a boyfriend now, Im in the past and she wants to leave it there. I told her that I respected her and her new BF..apologized for what I did and the phone call. Had Ive known I would have never called. I was overly polite and she was so rude and cold towards me..still blamed me for everything and accused me for talking trash about her to everyone about how badly she treated me. . I sincerely never did(..though she was doing that to me). she told me that she was happy now. So I wished her luck and said goodbye.

Later that night she blocked me,..I was gonna do it anyways to move on. Then unblocked and reblocked me a few weeks later.after making everything private like I did.I am observant and we have a ton of mutual friends of which some are my family. Later on, she reopened her old account of which we were both still friends on and she doesnt use. When I noticed I blocked her back. She knows I care about her and miss having her around...but why is she doing this when she has a new BF and after the whole speech on leaving me in her past? Of course it makes me curious..

- savannah - 04-11-2014 07:04 AM

Wow, she is a headcase. Sounds like she is really messing you around playing games.your a good guy for respecting the fact that she has a boyfriend and leaving it be. Her re opening her old account knowing full well contact could be made between you kinda gives me the impression that she knows exactly what games she is playing. I'd personally make sure no contact could be made between you and her and I'd move on. can't forget about her because its apart of your life but take a page out of her book and LEAVE HER IN THE PAST. you deserve happiness (: