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Factory Reset on New Dell Laptop? - Printable Version

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Factory Reset on New Dell Laptop? - Adnan786 - 04-11-2014 09:31 AM

I got my new laptop today and I started fiddling with it and I'm not entirely sure but I might have installed some malware. Anyway my question is, will the factory reset function work? I can't see a recovery partition so I'm not 100% sure.


P.S. It's a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Series

- Geek Squad - 04-11-2014 09:34 AM

For Windows 8, you can either hold shift before clicking on restart from the charms to boot into the windows repair. From there you can select "Troubleshoot" and either refresh, which typically keeps most user data but erases programs and resets windows files, or reset, which is more of a complete os reset.

Windows 7 is a little different. Hit F8 on startup (at the blinking cursor) and select Repair My Computer." From there, select your user profile and enter your password. Select the Dell Recovery option at the bottom and follow the prompts for the recovery.

Agent Jeffrey C.
Badge # 22329
Advanced Repair Agent | Precinct 184
Geek Squad Social Media Team