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Can someone ellaborate on - Printable Version

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Can someone ellaborate on - 668 - 04-11-2014 02:34 PM

Basically, I have a few questions concerning the "free" version of wordpress:

1. Are you required to know html to be able to blog, or is it as simple as typing (like I'm doing now)?

2. When it says "free", does that mean it is really free? Like won't cost me a penny for just the basic stuff, like their pre-made templates and stuff?

3. Are there any other important fine details that I should be aware of before making a "free" blog on wordpress?

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question Smile

- Jo Han - 04-11-2014 02:48 PM

1) No, you don't have to have any knowledge of HTML at all. * (see #3 below)
2) Yes, it is completely free. There are many free plug-ins and templates available as well, but there are also premium ones which you are required to pay for if you want to instal and use them. For basic purposes you will likely never need them.
3) * Depends... Will you be hosting your own blog, or just signing up for a free blog on the website? If you sign up for a blog hosted on then there is nothing else you need to do, besides going through all of the settings and setting it up like you want it. If you are going to actually use your own hosting (as in, you have your own ".com" website which you pay a monthly fee for), then you will need to follow the setup guide and you *may* need to know how to set permissions on directories and how to use FTP.