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why is she so heartless now? - Printable Version

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why is she so heartless now? - Kay - 04-11-2014 04:36 PM

i remember a time when we couldnt be torn apart, now she doesnt have a care in the world for me. i never did her wrong, she came back just to play me again, i gave her a third chance n she said, i dont know who i want to be with, him or you, i need time to think,. i told her, ill make it easy for you, just be with him.

this guy came in and swept her away ending our 3 year relationship, that was going really well too. now my ex uses lots of men for things, her, her sister n their cousin. the three of them dressup n go out with men every night n get them to buy them cellphones, jewlery and all this crap. her cousin(who she actually just met) is very judgmental and shes a Bitcsh, i only met her once neer the ending of our relationship, but i know she would give my ex a hard time for being with me, well when my ex came back they stopped hanging out, n when she played me the second time is right when they started hanging out again. so i give up, i will not wish karma on her because it will happen regardless.

all i want to know is has she really forgotten what we had that fast.? why do women think with emotions and others opinions instead of reality. some one who once looked at me as their king now sees me as a nobody, for no reason,

the only other thing i can think of is all the cocaine she does now is starting to change her personality and making her, bipolar,sociopath,narcissistic,boarderline, any opionions.? please long answers, thank you.

- Hen - 04-11-2014 04:50 PM

not alpha enough. simple

please dont blame her for her human nature

- ? - 04-11-2014 04:56 PM

Why are you judging ALL women based o the actions of one?

- LEYKIS 101 - 04-11-2014 05:05 PM

The truth is your were too blind to see the truth!!! She knew you were a sucker by all the times you took her back!! She had no respect for a guy who does not act like a man!!! So while she was with you, she was banging real men who do not take her crap!!! When she found one she really liked, she did not need you anymore and if she did, she knew you had no problem taking her back!!!

What is really sad is after you claim she is bipolar,sociopath,narcissistic,boarderli and a coke head, you still want to know if she really forgotten what you had that fast and you would still take out the garbage again!!! That says a lot about you and what you think your worth!!

- Kevin - 04-11-2014 05:16 PM

You ask why is she this way? Because you allow it. There is something in you that she needs, I don't know what that is but your more then willing to give it to her. However its not enough to keep her faithful. Cut her off totally, respond to nothing, don't contact her, block or delete her from all social media outlets. Its called going dark. In a short time you will find her true intentions with you.

Right now she feel like she is in total control. When she wants you, you're there. When she wants out she knows she can come back and you will allow it. Once she is faced with losing you for real, you will see what she is about.

Bottom line, become unavailable to her, stop playing the role of beta man (aka Mr. Nice Guy). Be more alpha (put yourself first) and decide your path. Believe it or not women respond to that.

- Sue C - 04-11-2014 05:23 PM

After reading all of "her story", the very LAST statement you made, sums it ALLL up....cocaine...Do I ever know what it does to people/a person. My ex husband "taught" me that, I learned my "lesson" well...THAT IS your answer rite there in a nut shell. And I do mean that in ALL seriousness!!! And, BTW, please do not judge "us" all with her, one day you'll find out that statement was incorrect. You WILL find just the rite one for you..Dear old time!! to you...Smile