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Advice (sorry if it's long)? - Printable Version

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Advice (sorry if it's long)? - SJS - 04-11-2014 05:47 PM

ok so I'm in the 8th grade, about to go to highschool. me and this girl have been friends since 4th grade. (I'm a girl too.) anyways, so from 4th to 6th everything was ok but then around 7th & 8th things changed drastically. there were times when we had pointless fights and I got mad to the point were I didn't sit with her. and then there were times when she would say mean stuff and I would cry. But, I also said mean things to her too. and 8th grade got even more worse. At the beginning of 8th grade, we finally thought things were gonna get better. but not it's march and we've went back to are old ways. she talks about me anonymously on her social media. and one day she told me she felt like a 2nd option to me just because I met new people this year in 8th grade. and whenever I'm with her I feel down. but, when I'm with the others I feel better. I pay attention to them and her . But it makes me mad when she says that because it's like I feel she's making me feel like I have to choose between her & them. and I've only told one of my other friends. And they just told me to drop her. But I can't because I still love her as my bestfriend. but, then I'm honestly so tired of kissing her ass. What should I do? And oh btw whenever she's hurt she always the first to say something. But, this whole time she's hurt me and I've never said anything.

so any advice? (Please don't be rude about it.)
Why do we lose friends when we grow up like why is it apart of growing up & life?

- Rachel - 04-11-2014 05:50 PM

I would say either talk to her or just go your separate ways because if you guys are fighting for know reason and that giving you stress that's really bad but It seems you love her like family and you should never lose someone from your family from fighting because nothing can separate you. Personally I would just sit and talk to her and I know that sounds like rubbish advise but it's the best advise I could give

Please can you answer my question???

- Leah - 04-11-2014 06:06 PM

There will only be about 2 special people you'll know your whole life