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Can Fake FB Profile Be Investigated By The Police? - Printable Version

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Can Fake FB Profile Be Investigated By The Police? - Shanna - 04-11-2014 11:54 PM

I made a fake fb fake name no picture, no friends, said I lived in a different country... I saw a girl I went to high schools profile and she was bragging about being on welfare so I messaged her saying that she was going to be a whore just like her mother and that she didn't know who fathered her children and she'll be working at mcdonalds the rest of her life. Her mother gets on her fb and emails me back saying when she finds out who I am she's going to kill me and that I better start making funeral arrangements so that they can bury me if they find the body... Could what I did be called Harrassment and would the police look into it because that's the only way she would be able to find me and I know she's been to jail before or will she not report it since she threatened to kill me and nothing I said was threatening plus I deleted the account completely

- aye - 04-12-2014 12:07 AM

Yes, it's very simple to track a fraudulent Facebook account. Plus, the authorities DO NOT need a warrant to do it. Every keystroke you make on a computer leaves a shadow that can be decrypted at any time. That's how cops keep dirtbags from becoming cops, catch pedophiles, etc. I can hack most FB and tell the address where the computer was. With a "selfie" or digital photo, I can narrow it down to a few feet. Fortunately, I'm one of the good guys. It sounds like both of you are guilty of harrassing communication under the laws of my state. My advice? Don't make any more fake accounts, leave those people alone. Be nice. It always comes back to you.

- xXx - 04-12-2014 12:23 AM

Oh please, her mother basically threatened to kill you, you may have been mean but im guessing you didnt threatened anyones life? If anyones going to prison its them!

- Kittysue - 04-12-2014 12:40 AM

You can definitely be found by the police if you were stupid enough to use your own computer/phone/tablet and sent the messages from your own home. If you used an internet cafe paid in cash, then it would be almost impossible to find you. But if you did this from home you can be traced if they press charges. Yes, it's definitely harrassment if that's what you sent