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Approving comments on my WordPress site? - Printable Version

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Approving comments on my WordPress site? - Jurica - 04-12-2014 04:09 AM

i have WordPress site to promote Affiliate product!
whether it would be good or not to approve any comments?
i mean for SEO...

- Peter Nikolow - 04-12-2014 04:10 AM

Yes - it's good to approve comments on WordPress sites because there are lot of bots these days. All of them trying to put spammy links or low quality text with anchor links, etc. Of course all this links lead to sites as "cheap viagra", "Louis Vuitton bags", "The Sims FreePlay Hack Download", etc.

On mine own site i clean over 100 spammy comments daily. That's why i install custom plugin for catching spammers.

If you don't wish to install plugins you can learn about social plugins about comments - Facebook and G+ have this already. Using this you beat spammers because they need to have account on these social networks. Hidden benefit is also you sent to search engines strong social signals.

- Jake - 04-12-2014 04:25 AM

Comments might add to overall site credibility rating, which may be a secondary ranking factor, probably a bigger influence on visitors than search engines, it's just a lot of work to delete the bot spam which can be the majority of your comments.

- Chris - 04-12-2014 04:42 AM blog owners have full control to approve, delete, or edit the comments left on their blog. There are separate help pages showing how to enable and disable comments and how to control who can comment.

To manage comments, go to the Comments link in the left menu of your blog dashboard.
There are several ways to view comments. There are filter links for all, pending, approved, spam, or trash comments. There is a search option on the right, and there are links to comment pages below the search box. There are also bulk action and filtering options as well as a button to let you re-check your comments for spam.

- Rob - 04-12-2014 04:54 AM

hey jurica fallow that link