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Is first time sex age dropping? - Printable Version

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Is first time sex age dropping? - vikinglax13 - 04-12-2014 09:32 AM

The average age of first time sexual experience is about 17 years old in the United States. Is this dropping from generations past? Was it the same age when my parents were in high school?

- Natalie A. - 04-12-2014 09:39 AM

I don't believe it's dropping. People have always started having sex around the same age (usually after puberty starts and your sexual hormones kick in). I think the only difference of today is that it is more socially acceptable to talk about whereas in the 50's it was considered rude and immodest to discuss sexual matters in public or in the media especially if you were not married. Today that isn't as big of a deal. People are just more exposed to other's sexual habits nowadays particularly in the media (aka "Teen Mom", etc...) My dad grew up in the 50's and back then it wasn't proper and it was looked down upon for a young lady to publicly announce she has had sex...Now it is almost the social norm to announce that you have had sex in high school (unfortunately ).

- Michael - 04-12-2014 09:54 AM

17? No way man, its much worse than that.