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My fiancé's Ex is a PSYCHO!!!!????? - Printable Version

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My fiancé's Ex is a PSYCHO!!!!????? - 878 - 04-12-2014 09:37 AM

This girl is so insane. My boyfriend blocked one of her profiles, then had to block another, because she made a fake one. And the other day I was on mine and she showed up on my people I may know on facebook. I have her others blocked too, so I got on my fiancé's facebook and blocked her. The reason we blocked her is because she was trying to get into our relationship. My fiancé really dislikes her, he let her use his car to drive to California, and she came back with hickeys on her neck. Supposedly he found out from people she knows that she planned on meeting a guy there and cheating on him. But I was curious to see if she was saying anything, so I used my friends facebook earlier and she did! She put it as public and said that my fiancé must think about her if he blocked her again. Hahaha but I blocked her. She is nuts. Obviously, she is the one thinkong about him if she noticed he blocked her. It's been 2 years. She's nuts! Anyway, should I just ignore it?

- Eric - 04-12-2014 09:46 AM

Restraining order

- Kittysue - 04-12-2014 09:48 AM

Your fiance needs to file a restraining order preventing her from having any contact with him, you or any of his friends
Also make sure your Facebook profiles are set to private so she cannot contact you from new accounts

- Dian - 04-12-2014 09:58 AM

Ignore it !!!!!