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Google ranking SEO Help? - Printable Version

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Google ranking SEO Help? - statius - 04-12-2014 11:40 AM

Hey guys,

I am just getting to learn SEO and I'm not sure why one of my websites is on page ten of searching "western handbag wholesale". My site is Then I looked at the website and somehow they are on page 2. What are some techniques that they've used and I've missed?

- Jake - 04-12-2014 11:52 AM

Both sites are nearly the same age and do look similar, neither has backlinkd that the tool could find.

Search engines feed off text. Consider adding some fashion tips at the start of each category or in an added blog.

It's possible that you went too far with that block of keyword phrases, you might be penalized for that obviously manipulative content, Google recently added Penguin filter which is on the lookout for SEO spam.

- Tobi Jones - 04-12-2014 11:56 AM

Hi Statius
I had a quick look at your site.
I have noticed you are not using meta tags efficiently enough.

You want to make each and every page on you site unique. In your case, nearly all pages have the same meta description, and some have the same keywords.

Here are the steps you should follow:

1. Each category on you site should be researched. Find the best keywords to describe your category. A good keyword will have sufficient monthly searches with little competition.

2. Once you have decided upon which keyword or keyword phrase best matches you needs, you should use it and its variations in you meta keywords, include the exact keywords in the title ( keep it bellow 70 characters) and in a unique description for that page ( bellow 156 characters)

You will also want to add some text when appropriate and include the keyword and its variation in it.

As you site is image based, make sure you use the same approach when uploading the images:
image name, tags ,title and description should include the main keyword you aim for , just make sure you use different text to each image and do not keyword stuff.

Do not over optimize you site, just make sure people and search engines can easily find what they're looking for.

Next, you want to form a link building strategy for the pages you want to promote.
Your goal is to have quality relevant sites in your niche pointing to you main url and your inner pages using the keywords you have selected and they're variants as anchor text.

You do that by submitting articles, videos, images, being active on forums and blogs and so on.

There's obviously much more to it, but I hope you got the point and hope I could help
Good luck