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my female kitten has gone missing.? - Printable Version

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my female kitten has gone missing.? - danielle sackfield - 04-13-2014 01:40 AM

My indoor cat whoes 10mths and has never been outside has snuck out and has been gone for 4hours now. I have looked everywhere for her. Shes never been out before i have had her from baby. She is a very nervous cat and is terrified of everything (just the way she is) she will only ever come to me and nobody else in the house. I am very very worried. She isnt chipped or neuterd. (shes indoors all the time) she doesnt like a collar. I have posted on local facebook groups. The petslocated want £12 to register just to post my ad which i simply cant afford

I dont know what to do. Me and the kids are devastated we have looked everywhere

- Quenatic - 04-13-2014 01:44 AM

Oh, this had happened to me before.
Usually a cat wants to explore but they would usually know their way back to the house. SO anyways, what I am saying is that the cat will come back soon. More like less than a day to three days. Usually cats do that.
But for now, just stay calm. Your beautiful kitty will come back. Big Grin

- Suzsha - 04-13-2014 01:50 AM

Check with your neighbors but it sounds like she won't be going to them. As long as she isn't declawed she should be ok. Most cats will find their way back home but I would go to your local shelter and check, if possible I would recommend leaving a water bowl outside your door and make sure to keep it clean but this will ensure that there is a water source so she doesn't get dehydrated and it will also encourage her to come back if she has been gone for a while. Go to your local shelter and check if they have her. Again I would say be sure to check with people around you I have known many people who found their missing cat in a neighbors house.

Female cats are spayed Males are neutered. As soon as you find your cat get her spayed.

- danielle sackfield - 04-13-2014 01:52 AM

Im worried though because she isnt neutered and hasnt even been in the garden before unlike my other cat. For the simple reason i didnt want her to go missing and end up pregnant

- Libbylillith - 04-13-2014 02:00 AM

Knock on all your neighbors doors in the streets around you to ask them to check their sheds and garages and to be on the look out also Put something outside the door that smells strongly of you and stand outside shaking treats in a packet, If its safe leave a small window open so she has acess. When she makes it back you should take her straight to the vets for a spay and microchip as there's a good chance she will have mated on her adventure. Not sure what country you are in but in England microchips are about £10 and you can get help towards paying for her spay.
Hope she comes home soon.

- Shae - 04-13-2014 02:15 AM

If you have a picture of her any where and if you have a computer and printer at home print a couple off and go hang them in places and on poles where people can see them and they will help look for your kitten and bring her back to you.

- 968 - 04-13-2014 02:21 AM

Hopefully she's not in heat and off looking for a mate. As she's never been outside before and is nervous, she may be hiding somewhere close by and is waiting until it quietens down before attempting to return home.

I agree with others who've suggested you make up some "lost cat" posters and deliver them to every home in neighoburing streets. Be sure to ask people to check sheds, garages etc., in case she sneaked inside and has accidentally been locked in. Call local vet clinics and cat rescues in case someone has taken her there and where possible e-mail a copy of your poster to them so that they can let you know if she is brought in.

This article has some helpful advice on ways to search for a missing cat and has contact details for both regional and national missing pet databases where you can register her details. (Many of these are free of charge.)

If money is tight there are organisations like Cats Protection, RSPCA, Celia Hammond Animal Trust and Spaywatch who offer vouchers towards the cost of neutering and spaying. Some independent cat rescues like my local one, have their own vet clinic where they offer free or low cost neutering. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help. They won't judge you because they're more concerned with the health and welfare of cats and want to reduce the numbers of stray and homeless cats by encouraging everyone to spay and neuter.

When I moved from an apartment to a house with a garden, my previously indoor-only cat sneaked outside sometime during the night. (She'd figured out how to open the door to the bedroom balcony.) She was gone for more than 24 hours and despite house to house enquiries no-one had seen her. It was almost as though she'd vanished into thin air. When I heard cats fighting outside in the early hours of the following morning I rushed outside hoping she was there. She wasn't, but I did spot her face at the window of a neighbour's home! They had no idea she was inside their home, so she must have done a fantastic job of hiding from them and their cat the whole time.

Don't give up hope. Many cats who temporarily go missing in the UK turn up safe and well, and I hope your cat does too.

- Maxi - 04-13-2014 02:32 AM

I know it is really hard BUT from your cats point of view this is a whole new world to explore and most of it without any people about as she climbs over fences, sheds and bushes........ more than likely she will be home when she is hungry.......

But when she is book her in for spaying and chipping straight away ....... although that is how she behaves in your house many cats behave very differently with other people and she may have just found a quiet home she likes and is eating and exploring that and sitting on the knee of an elderly person somewhere local to you, so spend some time doing some posters for te local area, a picture a phone number and do some door knocking...any rail line or main road near you? if they cross it they are unlikey to cross back and then find a new home that is somewhere to door knock and poster