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Is it FAKE or Geniune? - Printable Version

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Is it FAKE or Geniune? - Nagababu - 04-13-2014 03:38 AM

Hello everyone I would like to know that 'Career Bridge Consulting' in Banglore is a fake or genuine ..plz help

- 282 - 04-13-2014 03:42 AM


- Baldev Sinh - 04-13-2014 03:44 AM

See, I don't know if the said organization is fake or legit. But, I'll recommend you to do the following things-

1 'Google' about it, dig out facts.

2 Visit consumer complaint boards and check for complaints related to it.

3 If possible, ask existing clients of the organization.

4 Take a visit of the facility and evaluate before committing.