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This is My Testimony.. Thoughts? - Erin - 04-13-2014 05:47 AM

This is my testimony.. I'm giving this testimony to my youth group next wednesday..
So, I'm going to start off with 9th grade.. I can honestly say that ninth grade was the absolute worst year of my life. So to elaborate on that, when I started school ninth grade I was really just excited to be starting High school, I was looking forward to making a lot of new friends and everything, excited to finally just experience the high school life. I went and I met this girl, and not soon after we started talking, we became close.. And soon, we were best friends... I never thought that we'd ever get into any really big arguements.. But I was DEAD wrong.. In December of that year, just before winter break, we got into a HUGE argument, and we didn't talk for a while after that.. One night during winter break, Something inside me to told me check my Facebook.. So I got on Facebook, and in that moment I realized just how mad she was.. Because she took it upon herself to post a status about me that was so mean and nasty that I can't even really repeat it.. But as soon as I saw that, I broke down, I just gave up on pretty much everyone and everything, I fell into a deep depression.. So much so that I started thinking about suicide more than I'd like to admit.. I felt WORTHLESS.. I had lost my only friend in the MIDDLE of 9th grade.. Talk about rough. And I was pretty much depressed for the rest of that year.. Then camp came around.. And that's when the story changed. That first night we got into worship, it hit me HARD. I was hit with God's presence like a train.. And it wasn't until the last night of camp that I was truly changed. All I can remember from that night was being so utterly fed up with being sad.. So I cried out to God.. Literally, I remember being on the floor wailing like a baby.. Fast forward to when we got back from camp.. It hit me, I realized just how powerful our worship really is.. And I wanted to be a part of it.. So I fought with myself for the longest time about whether or not to join the worship team.. I sat there thinking "what am I capable of doing on the worship team?! I can't sing! And I don't know how to play any instruments.." And then something came to me.. I had remembered someone telling me that I have the fingers of a piano player.. So I decided to learn to play piano.. However I didn't get this piano until Christmas this past year.. And even after this I was still on the fence about joining the worship team, until The Lord reminded me that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". And so here I am.. And that brings me to where I am today.. I'm just here to tell you tonight that regardless of your situation, regardless of how you feel, or the trials you face.. God still has a plan and a purpose for your life.. And that god is with you in every situation... You just have to trust in him.. I hope that could be an encouragement to some of you tonight.. Thank you..

So what do you think?

- CrazyGuy - 04-13-2014 05:50 AM

I think you should learn about paragraph breaks.

- Rusty Shackelford - 04-13-2014 05:52 AM

You sound like you'd be a real blast at parties.

- . - 04-13-2014 06:08 AM


God bless

- MOMMAH - 04-13-2014 06:15 AM

PRAY first, that THOSE who can ACCEPT your TESTIMONY be lifted up and THOSE who cannot.. PRAY that they come to the FULL KNOWLEDGE of JESUS CHRIST.

- somathus - 04-13-2014 06:22 AM

Ah, 9th grade drama. I remember when it seemed like the most important thing in the world. then I made it to 10th grade...

- 332 - 04-13-2014 06:23 AM

don't know about your youth group but your therapist might find it interesting

- turtle30cshell - 04-13-2014 06:35 AM

Truth never give a testimony to get applaud. I doubt you know what it like to be hit by a train. However I think you know what it like to feel at the end of your rope and feel the hand of God lift you up. Consider this, don't learn what it like to be hit by a train. I know what it is like and I lived to tell it. No, I did not get on purpose by a train, car stalled, couldn't see around the parked train. Jesus was there in that wreck. His saving power to protect when we call upon Him. Remember call on God when you feel down the world is a lonely place for believers, but being within a worship team group is great. You need this now, but there time you still be alone. You have to know how to push through, learn as much as you can about Jesus. Because He will pull you through.

- debbie - 04-13-2014 06:49 AM

Hi Erin. Lovely testimony. Smile But I want to know about your relationship with your friend now. Have you patched things up? If you have, then give God the glory for it and include it in your testimony. If you have not patched things up but have forgiven your friend, then give God the glory for his helping you during the difficult process of forgiveness. Other than this, your testimony is encouraging and I love the way you fully give God the credit and take none for yourself. Be blessed.

- cuja1 - 04-13-2014 06:59 AM

That's great. It was nice to hear a story like that.